Is the moratorium on principal or interest or both? 
Moratorium can be offered for below payments: 
I. Principal and/or interest components 
II. Bullet repayments 
III. Equated Monthly Instalments or EMIs 
IV. Credit Card dues.

FAQs for Credit card
What would be the interest accrued/charged on my Credit Card dues? 
For all Credit Card dues (including any unpaid EMIs till the respective payment due date), standard interest rates of the card variant as per the applicable terms and conditions will be levied. For all EMI transactions, the interest rate specified at the time of availing of EMI facility would be levied.

Can I make payment if I opt for moratorium on Credit Card? 
Yes, you can make payment against the outstanding amount during the moratorium period. The interest would be levied only for remaining outstanding amount (as per standard interest rate of the card variant as per the applicable terms and conditions). 

Will late payment charges be levied during the moratorium period? 
If you opt for moratorium on your Credit Card, no late payment charges will be levied. 

Link to avail moratorium :

Beware of fraud. Banks never ask for OTP. Never share OTP with any one on call.

Information source : Icici bank
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